Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial (LSST) v1.05r3
Chapter 1: Introduction : Linux Shell basics

Where I can use Linux?

You can use Linux as Server Os or as stand alone Os on your PC. (But it is best suited for Server.) As a server Os it provides different services/network resources to client. Server Os must be:

Linux offers all of the above characteristics plus its Open Source and Free OS. So Linux can be used as:

(1) On stand alone workstation/PC for word processing, graphics, software development, internet, e-mail, chatting, small personal database management system etc.
(2) In network environment as:
(A) File and Print or Application Server
Share the data, Connect the expensive device like printer and share it, e-mail within the LAN/intranet etc are some of the application.

Linux Server: Used as File & Print or As Application Server
Linux Server with different Client Os

(B) Linux sever cab be connected to Internet, So that PC's on intranet can share the internet/e-mail etc. You can put your web sever that run your web site or transmit the information on the internet.

Linux Server Connected to Internet
Linux Server can act as Proxy/Mail/WWW/Router Server etc.

So you can use Linux for:

See the LESSBS project for more information on Linux Essential Services (as mentioned above) and how to implement them in easy manner for you or your organization.

How to Install Linux
What Kernel Is?