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Securing Red Hat

In this article I will explain how to make your Linux box secure by taking basic security measures. This article will enable anybody to tighten the security of a redhat Linux box.

Streaming MP3 server guide

The purpose of this article is to describe the process of using Linux based tools to setup a server used for streaming MP3 data. With a streaming MP3 server, a wad of MP3's, and a microphone a user can create their own internet radio show complete with snappy banter.

Easy GUI programming with EasyGTK

The Gnome Toolkit (GTK+) is a free toolkit for creating great user interfaces. EasyGTK is a wrapper library that translates calls into GTK+, removing much of the effort and time needed to master GTK+. This article dissects a small piece of EasyGTK code to explain how to create simple applications, and provides a few suggestions on using the toolkit.

Vi intro -- the cheat sheet method

This tutorial shows how to use vi, a powerful visual editor. Using an accelerated "cheat sheet" method, this tutorial aims to make you a proficient vi user without requiring a huge time commitment. You'll quickly learn how to move around, edit text, use insert mode, copy and paste text, and use important vim extensions like visual mode and multi-window editing.

A first look at GDAM

GDAM? What's that? If you're wondering what GDAM stands for, the answer is "Geoff and Dave's Audio Mixer." This article discusses what this software does best, improvements that could be made, and a few tricks to quickly get it up and running.

Linux printing made easy: Part 4; Configuring the CUPS daemon

This is the fourth and final article in the CUPS HOWTO series. So far, basics of CUPS have been discussed, including installation and Web and KDE-based configuration. This week the configuration of the CUPS daemon, cupsd, is covered.

Embedding external parts into KDE

Recent Unix/Linux desktop applications are composed of smallcomponents that could be utilized in several applications or wherever needed. KDE is now the first desktop system to be able to effectively integrate and provide transparent interoperabilitywith such software -- whether written in the KDE native component model (KParts), plain X Windows, or GTK.

Netcat - Network connection made easy

Netcat was written to allow users to make network connections between machines without any programming. Netcat can be used as a tcp/ip client program, allowing you to connect to a remote server, send a request, and pass off the response to some other program. It can also be used as a server.

Keeping track of what goes on: Part I

Linux comes with lots of great tools for recording and storing information about system operations on an ongoing basis. This is accomplished via the syslog facility, a central system message logging facility standard on all modern Unix systems.

Setting up your own radio station

So, you want to run your own radio station? This guide will assist you in becoming your own DJ.