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Thus spoke Richard M. Stallman

When Richard M. Stallman started his programmers career, world of programming was much different from what it looks like today: back then, ND-agreements and shrink-wrap licenses simply didn't exist, and sharing code was considered normal behavior.

Open source moves beyond the server

Forrester Research says companies are overcoming fears of relying on open source products in their networks. The research firm estimates that more than 55% of the world's 2,500 biggest firms use open source software, with almost a quarter using the software in production systems.

Open source moves beyond the server

Forrester Research says companies are overcoming fears of relying on open source products in their networks. The research firm estimates that more than 55% of the world's 2,500 biggest firms use open source software, with almost a quarter using the software in production systems.

Is there an open-source solution?

Despite a lack of marketing resources, more businesses are discovering and deploying open-source software in their back offices. Support has improved, and capable tools quickly become the standard by which commercial products are measured.

dsniff and SSH

Kurt Seifried wrote an article titled The End of SSL and SSH? Seifried's piece, however, contains several factual errors and misleading statements in discussing the details of SSH (secure shell), SSL (secure sockets layer), and MITM. This article attempts to correct some of those mistakes, and to clarify the issues involved.

Your changing desktop, part 3

In the final installment of this three-part series, industry experts from across all major engineering applications give us their opinions on the OS battle pitting NT against Unix and Linux against both of them.

XFree86 4.0.2

New in this release is Radeon support, a fix for DGA Mouse 2.0 support (to provide much more realistic movement on your favorite games amongst other things), native Darwin support, the Render X Protocol (for anti-aliased text), and much more.

Linux printing made easy: Part 4; Configuring the CUPS daemon

This is the fourth and final article in the CUPS HOWTO series. So far, basics of CUPS have been discussed, including installation and Web and KDE-based configuration. This week the configuration of the CUPS daemon, cupsd, is covered.

Making money with open source: eGrail and Zero-Knowledge

A look at how two companies are making money, in spite of the fact that they give away the source code to their software products. eGrail is doing it with a website content management application, while Zero-Knowledge is prospering with client-side Internet privacy software. And it's not all about selling services.

Steve Giles: Co-founder OpenNMS.org project

The 0.4.0 interim release of OpenNMS is a warning shot. The new open source systems management solution puts the commercial systems management software market on the spot. It asks big vendors such Hewlett-Packard and Computer Associates a tough question: Can proprietary software keep pace with advances in technology as well as open source software can?